Facet CPSULAR Irritation 

Lumbar hand pattern refers to a dysfunction at the position of the posterior hand joints of the chine. These joints together with the slice form the intervertebral joint. Changes in the position of the posterior hand joints can impact the slice and vice versa. The term ‘ dysfunction ’ implies that at a certain position( substantially L4- L5 or L5- S1) these 3 factors don't serve typically. 

 The lumbar hand pattern is a painful vexation of the posterior part of the lumbar chine. Swelling from the girding structures can beget pain due to vexation of the whim-whams roots. Little capsular gashes can appear at the position of the posterior hand joints due to trauma. This can lead to a subluxation of the joint. The synovia that surrounds the joint is damaged and leads to synovitis. Secondly, a hypertonic compression of the girding muscles presents itself. This is a protection medium that increases the pain. These changes lead to fibrosis and osteophyte conformation. The most common cause is repetitious micro trauma and a positive result of this habitual degeneration. In diurnal living, this may do with the repetitious extension of the reverse. So substantially all movements with the arms above the head. These recreating injuries can be in sports where it's necessary to make repetitious important hyperextensions of the lumbar chine. A vexation can also do when the intervertebral slice is damaged and the biomechanics of the joint has changed. In this case, the hand joints are exposed to advanced lading. 

 Movements/ Conditioning that drop pain include 


 Lying with knees fraudulent 


 Supported flexion, sitting, standing with weight on hands and elbows 


 Side bending towards the healthy side 

 Varying exertion 

 Try cat-cow stretch 


 Begin on your hands and knees in table disguise, with a neutral chine. As you gobble and move into cow disguise, lift your sit bones overhead, press your casket forward, and allow your belly to sink. 

Lift your head, relax your shoulders down from your cognizance, and peer straight ahead. 

 As you exhale, come into cat disguise while rounding your chine outward, put away in your tailbone, and draw your pubic bone forward. 

Release your head toward the bottom — just don’t force your chin to your casket. Most importantly, just relax. 

Image Credit: Healthy Street